二恶英是人们所知环境中毒性最大的有机化合物之一 ,它具有致癌性、致畸、内分泌毒性等。通过介绍二恶英的化学结构及污染来源 ,阐述二恶英的致毒机理及对人体健康的危害 ,展望了二恶英类物质分析研究和预防的新动向。
Dioxins has been proved to be one of the most toxic organic compounds in the natural environment, and it is carcinogenic, abnormality-inductive, and endocrine-toxic. This article presents a review on the molecular structure, physicochemical characteristics and pollution sources and illustrates the toxic mechanism of dioxins as well as its harm to human health. Moreover, it probes into the future of the analytical methods and prevention of dioxins.
Journal of Xingtai University