通过《优秀举重运动员训练、管理、预测与分析》软件对切尔诺梅尔金在第 2 6届奥运会上抓举 197 5kg的技术分析 ,表明 :切尔诺梅尔金发力阶段杠心穿越重心轨迹 ,杠心贴着重心向上而行 ,而两心相对最大偏差明显偏小 ;发力后杠心上抛速度大 ;杠铃上抛最高点相对高度高 ;支撑阶段身体下落快 ,人体重心向下的加速度超过了重力加速度 ;采用滑杠技术 ,突出“低”、“稳”支撑的特点。
According to the software of 《the training administration,forecast,and anahfsis of the excellent weight lifting athlete》. The author analyzes Chemeikin Andiey's technique of barbell 197 5?kg in the 26th Olympic Games,the results showed:His barbell center got up through the trajectory of the body center,keeping close to it with less relative maximum height of the upcast barbell center was high. During the jump phase,cui produced downward acceleration with the absolute value more than that of the acceleration of gravity. The slipping technique was adopted giving prominence to the characteristics of low and stable receiving point.
Hubei Sports Science