通过问卷调查等方法 ,对全国 31个省、直辖市和自治区的 319名医护人员生活方式、体育健身进行了分析。研究表明 ,在我国全民健身计划实施数年的今天 ,医护人员的生活方式、体育健身都产生了一些适应性的变化。但仍然存在工作忙、压力大、体育消费水平低、缺乏运动等问题。针对存在的问题 ,提出了若干加强医护人员体育健身活动的基本建议。
The life-style and physical training of medical staff in 31 provinces,municipalities,and autonomous regions were investigated through questionnaire. The study showed that since the plan of training for all people was put into practice,their life-style and physical training were adapted and displayed a variety of characters. However,problems still exist. So measures and suggestions about physical training were made.
Hubei Sports Science