1983~1987年,59例肺癌病人接受了术后放射治疗,其中男性48例,女性11例.Ⅰ期21例,Ⅱ期18例,Ⅲ期19例,Ⅳ期1例.采用Co^(60)前后相对两平行野垂直照射,范围包括全纵隔,同侧肺门及残留病灶区.剂量大多为5000~5500cGy.总的1、3、5年生存率分别为71.20% ,37.28%、28.89%.手术切缘受累、区域淋巴结转移者5年生存率分别为28.57%及20.00%,而无区域淋巴结转移者术后放疗5年生存率为40.00%.鳞状细胞癌和小细胞未分化癌的5年生存率明显优于其他类型(P<0.01)。
From 1983 to 1987, 59 patients with lung cancer were IreaLcd by postoperative radiotherapy, including 48 males and 11 females. Among them, 21 cases were in stage I, 18 in stage II, 19 in stage III and 1 in stage IV. Radiation therapy was administered through parallel opposed AP-PA portals. The treatment volume included the entire width of the mediastinum, homolalcral hili and the region of residual cancer. The tumor dose was mostly around 5000-5500 cGy. The overall 1-, 3-, and 5- year survival rates were 71.20%, 37.28% and 28.89% respectively. The 5- year survival rates for potients with involvement of resection margins and regional nodes were 28.57% and 20.00% respectively, and were compared with 40.00% for patients without nodes metastases. The 5-year survival rate of squamous cell careinoma and small cell anaplastic carcinoma was significantly better (P<0.01). Our result indicated that postoperative radiation therapy for lung cancer should be a potential benefit
Journal of Chongqing Medical University
Lung cancer
Postoperative radiotherapy