试验从屠宰场收集了 4 8头青年黄牛、34头青年水牛的卵巢共 16 4个 ,共回收可用卵母细胞 86 4枚。水牛平均每个卵巢可回收 3.2 2枚可用卵母细胞 ,相当于黄牛 (6 .72枚 )的一半。试验结果表明 :水牛卵巢生长卵泡少 ,卵母细胞产量少、质量差 ;3种采集黄牛卵泡卵母细胞的方法 ,用抽吸加切割法平均从每个卵巢回收的可用卵数 (7.71枚 )都极显著高于抽吸法 (6 .19枚 )和切割法 (6 .4 4枚 ) (P <0 .0 1) ,但是该法手续繁杂 ,适于一次且只能收集少量卵巢时使用 ;在黄牛和水牛卵母细胞成熟培养液中用 0 .3%PVP代替 10 %FBS ,牛卵母细胞的体外成熟率无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。
This experiment collected 164 ovaries from 48 yellow cattles and 34 buffalos at the slaughter house, and acquired 864 oocytes used. Aspiration of 68 buffalo ovaries had provided an average of 3.22 utilizable oocytes per ovary, which was about 1/2 obtained from yellow cows(6.72).The results indicate that growing follicles of buffalo ovaries are less, the yield of oocytes is less and quantity is worse than that of yellow cow.This research compared the methods of three kinds of ovum collection. Recovery oocytes used with the method of aspiration and incision together were an average of 7.71 per ovary,significantly higher than those oocytes with the method of aspiration and method of incision (6.19 and 6.44, respectively, P<0.01), but its procedure is complicated, it is suitable for collecting a few ovaries once; with 0.3% PVP substituting for 10% FBS in culture media for IVM of follicular oocytes, the maturation rate of cattle had no significant difference between them(P>0.05)
Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
国家"十五"攻关项目 (2 0 0 2BA5 14A2 3)