以提高姬松茸的保鲜品质为目的 ,采用不同处理进行保鲜对比试验。采用正交实验方法 ,分析了不同处理对姬松茸的褐变程度及膳食纤维素的影响。结果表明 ,姬松茸经处理后进行保鲜 ,可有效减缓贮存过程中的褐变程度和品质变化。在相同条件下 ,以 0 2 5 %NaHSO3水溶液渗析 30min ,捞出沥水后再放入 0 15 %VC与 0 5 %柠檬酸混合的水溶液中渗析 10min进行处理 ,保鲜效果最好。此外 。
To improve the keep fresh quality of Agaricus blazei, different manipulation was used to keep fresh and keep fresh for this study. An orthogonal experiment was carried out to investigate the effects. Browning and diet cellulose of Agaricus blazei in keep fresh was analyzed. The result showed that when deal properly with Agaricus blazei, the browning was alleviated and the quality changes has slowed at the keep fresh period. Under the same conditions, steep Agaricus blazei in the manipulation of 0.25% NaHSO 3 30 min, dredge up Agaricus blazei from the aqueous solution and water content of Agaricus blazei was lost, mix up the aqueous solution of 0.15%VC with 0.5% citric acid to steep 10 min again, the effect of keep fresh was better. A regression analysis of Agaricus blazei by those as keep fresh was used and a mathematical model was obtained.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
福建省产学研联合开发基金项目 (闽产学研 [2 0 0 3 ] 0 2号 )