采用条件变量分析方法 ,对 2 3个陆地棉品种 (系 )两年资料的棉花单株产量及其 3个组分性状进行了分析 ,结果表明 ,单株铃数引起单株产量的变异最大 ,衣分引起单株产量的变异最小 ;衣分以外的其他因素与环境的互作对单株产量的影响最大 ,单株铃数以外的其他因素与环境互作对单株产量的影响最小 ;不同品种基因型效应不同 ,不同品种
Lint yield per plant and its 3 yield components of 23 upland cotton varieties (lines) over the years 2000~2001 were studied using conditional analysis method. Results indicated that among the 3 component traits that influenced yield per plant directly lint number per plant had the largest contribution, while lint percentage had the smallest contribution. Interaction between other factors besides lint percentage and environment had the largest influence on yield per plant, whereas interaction between other factors besides lint number per plant and environment had the smallest influence upon the object trait. Various cultivars had different genetic effects, 3 component traits of various cultivars had different contribution to yield per plant.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin