
影响体育校本课程开发的教师因素分析 被引量:12

Analysis on the Factors Which Affect the Teachers'Ability in Developing the School-based PE Course
摘要 针对中小学体育教师当前素质现状进行了深入分析,认为体育教师队伍素质与课程开发的要求有一定的差距,必须加强体育教师的职后教育和校本培训,不断提高科研能力,提倡共同合作,积极参与课程开发。 Along with the 3 levels of our country, what course manage implement to implement , make use and the development of this school course become the hot point that people pay attention to. Sport teacher is the main part of this sport school course development , its self quality condition is the crucial factor that affects this school course development. This paper aims at in the sport teacher current quality present situation of primary school go deep into analysis, the requirement of thinking sport teacher troops quality and course development has certain gap, after must strengthen the duty of sport teacher, educate and check this training, raise research ability continuously, advocate common cooperation, participate in course development actively.
作者 杨洪辉
出处 《南京体育学院学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第6期74-76,共3页 Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education
关键词 中小学 体育教育 体育教师 校本课程开发 职后教育 校本培训 科研能力 PE teacher School-based course Develop Factor
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