《文心雕龙》重视人成才的先天资质禀赋,同时强调“功以学成”,肯定后天学习的价值;认识到文学成才有着特殊规律,文学创作与人的生理、心理规律有一定关系,提出 “养气”说,并较为正确地解释了“灵感”问题;注意到文学成才受社会政治、思想学术、个人生活及地理环境等条件的制约。
Wen Xin Diao Long values innate talent of people, and also highly regards postnatallearning. Wen Xin Diao Long holds that there exists a special rule in cultivating literary talents, and there is a certain relation between literary creation and people抯 physical and psychological phenomenon. Wen Xin Diao Long has put forward 揷ultivating qi and relatively and properly interprets the conceptof 搃nspiration? It has also realized that social politics, ideology and academics and personal life and natural environment have some affects on literary talent growth.
Journal of Panyu Polytechnic