
盲蝽科一新属及为害楠竹的两个新种描述 被引量:1

摘要 本文记载了属于盲蝽科盲蝽亚科的一个新属——箬盲蝽属(Elthemidea Zheng,gen.nov.)以及该属为害楠竹的两个新种——黑褐箬盲蝽(E.picea Zheng,sp.nov.)与四川箬盲蝽(E.sichuanense Zheng,sp.nov.)。 Elthemidea gen. nov., a new genus belonging to Group Capsaria of Mirinae-Mirini is erected here based on 2 new species infesting bamboos. All measurements are in millimeters. Type specimens are kept in Biology Department of Nankai University. Elthemidea Zheng, gen. nov. Type species: Elthemidea picea Zheng, sp. nov. Body median-sized, narrowly elongate, shining, with a habitus of Megacoelum-Adelphocoris type, but somewhat longer and more robust. Head vertical, pubescence dark, rather coarse, frontoclypeal region tumid, broadly rounded, vertex with a broad longitudinal groove, hind margin not raised. Eye height about 1/2 of head, lower half of inner margin retracted laterad. Lower apex of antennal fossa at level of eye lower apex, touching or almost touching eye margin. Antennae slender, segment Ⅱ slender in all length or slightly thickened apicad, but not distinctly clavate, sexual dimorphism not apparent, antennal pubescence dark, short and orderly arranged. Pronotum trapezoidal, moderately declivent, distinctly and densely punctate, somewhat crenulate, lateral margin blunt, collar narrow, calli swollen and smooth. Scutellum not punctate, with very shallow transverse wrinkles. Hemelytra narrow, elongate, costa straight, parallel with commissural margin of clavus, corium and clavus densely punctate, crenulate, densely pubescent with coarse, dark semi-erect hairs and decumbent, somewhat silvery hairs, the latter mostly found near claval suture, inner margin of cuneus slightly concave. Large cells of membrane elongate, rectangular, inner margin straight, apical angle square. Left paramere (fig. 10) sickle-shaped, sensory lobe developed, hypophysis goosehead-like. Right paramere (figs. 9, 14) cylin-drical, hypophysis short, bending to one side. Vesica (figs. 5-8, 11-12, 15) with 5 conjunctival lobes, some of which finger shaped when inflated; 2 sclerotized appendaged, one of which slender and long, spicule-like, broadly curved, at repose sinking up to bottom of phallosome; the other one strape-shaped, flattened, sometimes attaching on conjunctival lobe. Ring sclerite laterally positioned, comparatively large, oval, anteriorly broadened into sclerotized band. Dorsal labiate plate large, extensively sclerotized, posterior margin deeply incised at middle (fig. 13). Inter-ramal sclerite shallowly bilobed. Inter- ramal lobes obliquely extending outward, gradually narrowed mesad. Median process tongue-shaped, strongly sclerotized, prominent, 2 sclerotized ridges diverging out laterad from dorsal half laterally, strenghtening dorsal margins of posterior wall and of inter-ramal sclerite respectively; dorsal apex of median process recurved to anterior surface, bending ventrad, then dorsad, terminated into an broad sub-spherical plate-like dorsal structure. Lateral lobes membranous, extending all over the width at dorsal side of anterior surface, embracing dorsal structure at middle, constricting at lateral ends (figs. 3, 4). A member of Group Capsaria of Mirinae. Allied to Capsus Fabricius and Irbisia Reuter by virtue of black coloration, Graminae feeding, punctate pronotum and hemelytrae, tumid frontoclypeal area, grooved vertex, paramere type, etc. The vesica is of the same basic pattern of Capsus, but the 2-typed pubescence of hemelytrae, elongate body form, slender antennae (not sexually dimorphic), narrower vertex and a strape-like slerotized appendage in addition to the spicule-like one in vesica distinguishing this new genus from Capsus. In comparison with Irbisia, the body form, vesica structures, narrower vertex and its simple hind margin are the distinguishing features. The pattern of bursa copulatrix structures is apparently different from both Capsus and Irbisia, though still showing some affinities between them. This new genus keys to the Oriental genus Althemus Distant in Carvalho (1955), but the prominent punctuation of pronotum and hemelytra, type of antenna and body coloration are different from the latter genus. Elthemidea picea Zheng, sp. nov. (figs.1-10, 13) Piceus to black, shiny. Head shape as in figs. 1 & 2. Vertex sometimes with a pale spot close to eye, lateral portion of hind margin sharp. Basal half of gena yellowish brown. Antennae slender, piceus, ventral side of segment Ⅰ pale, segment Ⅱ more less pale, yellow to brownish black, usually paler in female. Rostrum attaing to apex of hind coxa. Pronotum piceus, punctuation coarse, area of hind margin sometimes paler, pubescence brown, coarse, semi-erect and quite dense. Collar piceus, dull. Calli broadly fused mesally. Hemelytra piceus, areas along claval commissure and costa of corium sometimes slightly paler. Membrane dark smoky brown, veins darker. Legs yellowish brown, middle and hind coxa basis black. Apical half of femora with 3 brown rings, the basal ring of hind femur broad. Tibial spines dark, each with a dark spot at base. Ostiolar peritreme piceus. Venter piceus, medially pruinose. Parameres as figs. 9 & 10. Vesica (figs. 5-7) with 3 of the 5 conjunctive lobes finger-shaped, central lobe snail shell-like; spicule-like sclerotized appendage subapically a little widened and then tapering to a sharp apex, when fully protruding perpendicular to long axis of aedeagus; the other sclerotized appendage hidden under the snail shell-like conjunctive lobe, weakly sclerotized, strape-shaped, subapically twisted. (fig. 8). Ring sclerite, dorsal labial plate (fig. 13) and posterior wall of bursa copulatrix (figs. 3, 4) as in descriptions of genus. Head width male 1.2, female 1.25. Vertex width male 0.4, female 0.45. Eye width 0.4. Antennal segment length male 0.75: 2.1:1.1:0.85, female 0.9:2.2:?:?. Pronotum width male 1.9, female 1.9-1.95. Head apex to cuneal fracture male 4.05-4.3, female 4.3-4.6. Body length 6.4-7.05. Holotype male, paratypes 20 males & 15 females, Chang-ning County, Sichuan Province (28°30′N, 105°E), 1990. V., S. J. Wang collected on bamboos (Phyllostachys pubescens). Feeding on new branches, in outbreaks will cause serious injuries to the bamboo plantations. Elthemidea sichuanense Zheng, sp. nov. (figs. 11-12, 14-15) Close to E. picea described above. The differences are: Body larger. Pale area on vertex more extensive, vertex comparatively wider, hind margin all length flat and smooth. Segment Ⅱ of antenna thicker, thicker than Ⅲ & Ⅳ; segment Ⅰ dark ferrugineous to piceus, segment Ⅱ totally piceus, or ferrugineous medially, segment Ⅲ piceus, basally yellowish white. Pronotum tannish brown or reddish brown. Collar dull, light brown or yellowish brown. Calli not medially fused, area between them shallowly wrinkled. Hemelytra totally piceus, never pallid at claval suture or costa. Femora dark greyish brown, apical half with 2 ill-defined pale rings. Tibiae ochraceous, basal dask spot of tibial spine smaller than that in E. picea. Ostiolar peritreme pale yellowish brown. Venter piceus, with medial part of each flank yellowish brown. Left paramere same as E. picea. Right paramere (fig. 14) with hypophysis abruptly bending. Vesica (fig. 12, 15) with the slender spicule-like sclerotized appendage gradually tapered apicad, apex truncate (fig.11), another appendage flattened, apex rounded, somewhat bird head-shaped, free, not attaching with conjunctive lobe. Details of female genitalia not examined. Head width 1.4. Vertex width male 0.5, female 0.55. Eye width male 0.45, female 0.425. Antennal segments length male 1.0-1.1:2.7-2.8:1.4:1.1, female 1.0:2.8:?:?. Pronotum width male 2.15—2.3,female 2.4. Length from head apex to cuneal fracture male 5.1—5.3, female 5.2—5.4. Body lenth 7.7—8.0. Holotype male, paratypes 2 males & 2 females. Chang-ning County, Sichuan Province (28°30′N, 105°E). 1990. V., S. J. Wang collected on bamboos (Phyllostachys pubescens).
作者 郑乐怡
机构地区 南开大学生物系
出处 《竹子研究汇刊》 北大核心 1992年第1期10-20,共11页 Journal of Bamboo Research
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  • 1中国林科院中国植物志编辑委员会.中国植物志[M].北京:科学出版社.1996,9(1)141.










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