温州市居民具有很强的私家车购买力。目前 ,私家车户均拥有量在全国处于领先水平。针对道路设施建设与交通需求增长存在的尖锐矛盾 ,温州市政府采取建管并重的策略。 2 0 0 2年 ,温州市在全国率先实施错时上下班措施 ,对城市交通需求进行调控管理。该措施实施后 ,不仅取得明显效果 。
The inhabitants of Wenzhou have powerful ability to buy private car. Presently, the average holders of private car have been on top in China. The government of Wenzhou pays equal attention to road construction and traffic management to alleviate the pungent contradiction between road construction and traffic demand increase. Flexible working hours was applied in Wenzhou to adjust traffic demand in 2002. Wenzhou is the first city to implement this measure in China. Both evident effect and universal applause have achieved presently.
Urban Transport of China