目的 了解加工工艺对小麦中脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇 (DON)含量影响的规律 ,探讨降低面粉中DON含量的有效方法。方法 用薄层层析法[1 ] 检测小麦在加工过程不同阶段DON含量并作出分析。结果 原麦中DON含量为 36 2 0 ppb ,经净化仍保持在 344 0 ppb。制粉过程各组分DON含量在 2 90 0~ 1 86 70ppb之间。霉变小麦DON含量高达 1 4 2~ 1 4 4 .2ppm ,外观正常小麦DON含量仅为 0 .8ppm。 结论 小麦在入磨前 ,利用风力、筛理等方法将干瘪、比重轻、易碎的赤霉病麦粒去掉 。
Objective To identify effects of different processing techniques on deoxynivalenol (DON) content and develop practical methods of reducing DON amount in wheat flour. Methods DON amounts were determined with thin- layer chromatography during different phases of flour processing. Results DON amount was 3620ppb in raw wheat, and still 3440ppb after purifying. DON amounts of various components were in the range of 2900~18670ppb during milling process. DON amount in moldy wheat was as high as 142.0~142.2ppm compared with 0.8ppm in normal one. Conclusions Through comparing effects of different processing techniques for decreasing DON amount in flour, a set of practical approaches were established . It is expected that DON amount be much less than ever in wheat flour by implementing them.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine