
MRCP结合MR斜冠位T_2WI对胆系疾患的应用价值研究 被引量:2

Investigating the value of MRCP combined with oblique-coronal T_2WI in the diagnosis of biliary obstructive diseases
摘要 目的:探讨MRCP结合MR斜冠位T2WI对胆系疾患的应用价值。材料与方法:对80例有胆系疾患者行MR常规扫描、MRCP及斜冠位T2WI(向背侧倾斜使与冠状轴呈30°)扫描。结果:在同一投影层面上,斜冠位T2WI显示左右肝管、肝总管及胆总管的显示率优于常规冠状位。MRCP与斜冠位T2WI结合显示管内病灶的大小、边缘、管腔狭窄面形态、狭窄面长度超过1.0cm、胆管走行改变方面优于MRCP结合常规冠状T2WI。结论:MRCP结合斜冠位T2WI对胆道狭窄及梗阻病变的定性及定量分析上具有临床应用价值。 Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of MRCP combined with oblique-coronal T2WI scanning in biliary obstructive diseases. Methods: Conventional MRI coronal T2WI, MRCP and oblique-coronal T2WI(taken conventional coronal view as standard tilted toward dorsal 30°) were performed in 80 patients with suspected biliary obstructive diseases. Results: In the same plane, the sensitivity of showing ductus hepaticus and ductus hepaticus communis, ductus choledochus with MR oblique-coronal T2WI was superior to conventional MR coronal T2WI. The accuracy in showing the nature of focus size, border shape of narrowing, length of the narrow segment(>1.0cm) and direction of biliary duct modification with MRCP combined with MRI oblique-coronal T2WI were superior to MRCP in conventional MRI coronal T2WI. Conclusion: So MRCP combined with oblique-coronal T2WI, has its advantage, it can determine the nature and location of lesion in biliary obstructive diseases.
出处 《中国临床医学影像杂志》 CAS 2004年第5期262-265,共4页 Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging
基金 甘肃省科技厅科学事业资助项目(编号QS022-C33-030)
关键词 胆道疾病 磁共振成像 biliary tract diseases magnetic resonance imaging
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