目的 :探讨大学生的一般社会信念结构 ,研究一般社会信念与人际冲突解决策略的关系。方法 :运用社会公理量表和人际冲突解决量表对大学生进行测查。结果 :大学生的一般社会信念主要由四个因素构成 ,包括人性本恶观、精神超越观、修行正果观和社会灵活观。一般社会信念对人际冲突解决策略有显著的预测作用 :人性本恶观能预测妥协、竞争和逃避策略 ;修行正果观能预测竞争、折衷和合作策略 ;社会灵活观能预测合作策略。结论 :大学生的一般社会信念有一些与其他国家和地区是共同的 ,有一些是独特的 ;
Objective: To explore the structure of general social beliefs in university students, and the relations between general social beliefs and interpersonal conflict resolutions styles. Methods: Social Axioms Survey and Conflict Resolution Survey were respectively administered in university students. Results: Four factors were found in the structure of general social beliefs in university students, namely social cynicism, spirituality, reward for application and social complexity. Regression analyses showed that general social beliefs have significant power to predict the interpersonal conflict resolution styles. Conclusion: The structure of general social beliefs of university students is similar to that of other countries and areas in the world, and some are unique.Using the general social beliefs can predict the interpersonal conflict resolution styles of university students effectively.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology