为提高精密播种机的播种均匀性 ,解决地轮打滑和手动调换链轮或调整排种器排种量的问题 ,研究了一种用于精密播种机的排种自动控制装置。系统由五轮仪、智能控制单元、人机接口单元和执行单元组成 ,可以完成数据的输入、处理和排种器转速的控制。作业时系统采用五轮仪测量播种机的作业速度 ,用步进电机代替地轮作为执行机构带动排种器转动 ,减小了地轮打滑对播种均匀性的影响。该控制装置可以直接对五轮仪直径、排种器孔数和播种量等参数进行设置 ,使用方便。试验结果表明 ,系统运行稳定 ,可保证排种器与五轮仪转速同步 ,提高了播种机的播量均匀性 。
A controller for precision seed metering device was developed. The controller includes a speed measuring instrument, auto control system, man machine interface and driving mechansim, it can input data, process data, and automatically control the speed of the seed sowing device. During seeding, the speed measuring instrument gets the speed of precision drill and the step motor is used to control the seed metering device. Thereby, decreases the effect of the wheel skid on the uniformity of seed metering. The system is simple and can directly input the diameter of the speed measuring instrument, the seed hole of seed sowing device and the amount of seed. By experiment, the system is reliable and can make the speed of the seed sowing device and the speed measuring instrument uniformity, and improves the uniformity of the amount of seed, and achieves the goal of design.
Journal of China Agricultural University