目的 :探讨中西医结合治疗原发性肾病综合征 (PNS)临床意义及归芪地黄汤在PNS治疗中的作用。方法 :86例临床及病理确诊的PNS患者随机分为治疗组 (归芪地黄汤 +强的松 )和对照组 (强的松 ) ,观察两组治疗前后的临床表现、2 4小时尿蛋白定量、血浆白蛋白、血脂、肾功能及尿纤维蛋白降解产物 (FDP) ,副作用和并发症及复发情况。结果 :治疗组总有效率 (95 .35 % )高于对照组 (72 .0 9% ) ,对照组副作用和并发症发生率 (86 .0 5 % )高于治疗组 (37.2 % ) ,治疗组复发率 (2 .33% )低于对照组 (2 0 .93% )。治疗前后两组各项生化指标 ,均明显异常 ,治疗后治疗组各项生化指标明显改善 ,治疗前后比较 (P <0 .0 1或 <0 .0 5 )。结论 :归芪地黄汤治疗PNS能提高疗效 ,减少副作用和并发症 ;对预防感染 ,巩固疗效 。
Objective:To investigate the efficacy of integrated western and traditional Chinese medicine,and to approach the clinical effect of treatment with Guiqidihuangtang in the treatment of Primary nephrotic symdrome.Method:86 patients with PNS were divided randomly into two groups:The experimental group,treated with Guiqidihuangtang and predisone,and the control group,treated with predisone.Clinical manifestation,24h quantitative of urinary protein,plasma albumin,blood-fat,kidney function,side-effects or complication and recurrence were observed in two groups before and after treating.Results:There were obvious difference of biochemistry and FDP between the two groups before treating and control group( P <0.01or<0.05).FDP between before and after treating and control group( P <0.01or<0.05).The treating group in total effctive rate (95.35%) was higher than the control group(72.09%).The side-effects or complication in control group(86.05%)was higher than in treating group(37.2%).The recurrent rate in treating group was lower(2.33%)than in control group(20.93%).Conclusion:Integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment play a role in the treatment of PNS.Guiqidihuangtang can raise the curative effect and reduce side-effects or complication.There is a certain assistance in preventing infections,consoldating the curative effects and reducing recurrence.