
气相色谱-质谱法分析催化裂化汽油的组成 被引量:7

Gas Chromatography-Mass Sepctrometry Analysis of Components in Fluid Catalytically Cracked Gasoline
摘要 应用毛细管柱气相色谱-质谱(GC/MS)分析催化裂化(FCC)汽油中的组成。在一定条件下对FCC汽油分别用浓硫酸、高锰酸钾等溶液进行预处理。用GC/MS对FCC汽油中的碳氢化合物和含氧化合物等组分进行详细的定性分析。应用化学法、色谱(GC)保留值法、标准物定性法、参考文献法等多种方法对GC/MS检索结果进行验证。以FCC汽油中的碳氢化合物为参比物,获得含氧化合物的相对校正因子,采用校正面积归一法,确定FCC汽油中饱和烃、烯烃和芳烃(SOA),苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯(BTEX)和含氧化合物等组分的含量。定量分析的相对标准偏差(sr)低于3.3%。 The components in the fluid catalytically cracked (FCC)gasoline were detected by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC/MS). Under the fixed conditions , the FCC gasoline was pretreated with concentrated sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate solutions. GC/MS was performed to qualitative analysis of hydrocarbons and oxygenic components in FCC gasoline. Many techniques such as chemicel reaction, gas chromatography (GC) retention time, standard substance addition and reference method were used to identify the structures of the components obtained by GC/MS. The hydrocarbon groups were obtained by adding a hydrocarbon with the same type. The oxygenic compound correction factors via hydrocarbons in gasoline were determined. The contents of staturated hydrocarbon, olefin hydrocarbon, alkene, aromatic hydrocarbon (SOA) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene(BTEX) and oxygenic compounds were measured by correcting area normalization method. The relative standard deviation is less than 3. 3%.
出处 《质谱学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2004年第1期17-23,共7页 Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society
关键词 气相色谱-质谱法 催化裂化技术 汽油 FCC 二甲苯 mass spectrometry determination of fluid catalytically cracked gasoline component gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) qualitative analysis quantitative analysis
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