本文从有关话语基调的理论出发 ,结合一些实证研究和同声传译的特点 ,阐述了同传译员在同声传译过程中的角色定位。同传译员不是讲话者的目标受话者 ,与交际的双方不发生直接关系 ,但交际双方对译员又都有所期待 ,正是这些期待给了译员发挥创造力的空间。一名出色的译员要依据交际双方的角色关系来定位自己的角色 ,并在把握发言主题和选用合适的表述方式传递信息方面发挥自己的作用。
Based on theoretical explorations into the notion of tenor of discourse, and analysis of the special features of simultaneous interpretation and a review of some empirical studies on interpretation, this paper explains how an interpreter should determine his role in simultaneous interpretation. Not taken as the target receptor, the interpreter is deprived of the privilege of negotiating meaning with either party of the communication. The expectations from both sides, however, help construct a space for the interpreter to give full play to his creativity. A qualified interpreter should be able to specify his own role in accordance with the relationship between the speaker and the receptor, and render the speech on the basis of an overall understanding of the topic and mastery of the linguistic realizations specific to the subject matter.
Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal