
环境保护私人供给的经济学分析——基于一个俱乐部物品模型 被引量:14

Economic Analysis on Environmental Protection of Private Provision--Based on a Theory of Club Goods
摘要 传统以来,环境问题往往通过政府干预解决,然而现实世界中出现越来越多的环境保护私人供给的现象。本文基于一个俱乐部物品模型,对发生在环境领域中这一似乎有悖常理的现象进行经济学分析,选取ISO14001环境管理体系作为研究对象,进一步论证公共物品私人供给发生的可能性。 Traditionally environmental problems often are solved by government intervention. However, there are more and more phenomena of environmental protection provided by the private in the real world. Based on a theory of club goods, the article makes an economic analysis of the abnormal things happen in the environment realm, which selects ISO14001 environmental management system as the object to study and further demonstrate the probability on common goods of private provision to take place.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期68-75,共8页 China Industrial Economics
关键词 环境保护 私人供给 可排他性 俱乐部物品 environmental protection private provision excludability club goods
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