目的 探索快速安全地麻醉贵州小型香猪的方法。方法 90头贵州小型香猪随机分为肌内注射组、腹腔注射组、静脉注射组 ,比较用 3%戊巴比妥钠溶液麻醉的显效时间、麻醉效果及死亡率。结果 肌内注射显效时间 (15± 5 )min ,麻醉效果优 80 %、良 16 7%、死亡 3 3% ;腹腔注射显效时间 (13± 4 )min ,麻醉效果优 6 0 %、良2 0 %、差 16 7%、死亡 3 3% ;静脉注射显效时间 (10± 2 )min ,麻醉效果优 73 3%、良 16 7%、死亡 10 % ;结论 肌内注射麻醉是一种安全可靠的麻醉方法。
Objective To search for a safe anesthesia approach for Guizhou miniature pigs. Methods 90 Guizhou miniature pigs were randomly divided into 3 groups as follows: injection of 3% pentobarbital sodium into muscle, abdominal cavity and vein separately and then the time showing effect, anaesthesia effect and mortality rate were comparatively analysed among the groups. Results The time showing effect was (15±5) min in group of muscle injection. 80% of anaesthesia effect was excellent, 16.7% good, 3.3% dead. The time showing effect was (13±4) min in group of abdominal cavity injection. 60% of anaesthesia effect was excellent, 20% good, 16.7% bad,3.3% dead. The time showing effect was (10±2)min in group of vein injection. 73.3% of anaesthesia effect was excellent, 16.7% good, 10% dead. Conclusion Anaesthesia by muscle injection is the safest anesthesia approach.
Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine