Objective To introduce and evaluate the application of self manufactured Reciprocating Gait Orthosis (RGO) to restore standing and walking functions of the paraplegic patients, and consequently to facilitate their systemic rehabilitation. Methods 19 paraplegic patients with complete spinal cord injury of lesion level ranging from T4 to L1 were fitted up with the RGO. All of them were hospitalized for the adjustment and adaptation of RGO. A comprehensive rehabilitation training program, including muscle strength and endurance training, restoration of range of motion, sitting and upright balancing and standing training, was simultaneously executed for the patients. Results Functional gait was achieved in 16 of the 19 patients with RGO, and therapeutic ambulation in the rest 3 patients. At follow ups by telephone or letter, 5 patients were community ambulators, 11 were household ambulators, and 2 were therapeutic ambulators. One patient abandoned the orthosis. Conclusions The RGO is indicated for the paraplegia patients with complete spinal cord injury of lesion level ranging from T4 to L1 to restore standing and functional walking, to prevent the paraplegic complications and to improve the quality of patientshealth and life. The RGO is only optional to those whose lesion level ranges from T4 to T6, depending on their age, body type, upper extremity strength, control of trunk and abdominal musculature. In addition to the lesion levels and degrees, the stability of the spine, health conditions, range of joint motion and good motivation should be taken into account before application of the RGO can be decided.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma