
禁牧政策及其效应解析 被引量:45

Prohibiting graze policy and its effect
摘要 近年来,各地对脆弱生态环境的改善手段逐步从生态建设为主转向建设和保护并重的方向。禁牧政策便是影响重大的保护措施之一。通过对实施禁牧政策较早的、位于农牧交错带的内蒙古伊金霍洛旗的实地调查和分析发现,全年禁牧政策对保护和恢复面积广大的林草地生态环境很有效,但它与当地农牧户畜牧业生产的现实矛盾较大,执行率只有52.98%。因此,提出改变限制性禁牧政策为引导性禁牧政策的观点,实行有弹性的禁牧政策,以及农牧户改变畜牧业生产方式和调整畜种结构等政策调适建议。 With the increasing of knowledge of ecology and environmental protection,the means of improving fragile ecoenvironment is being gradually transformed from artificial reforestation to both depending on ecological rehabilitation and protection.The prohibiting graze policy is one of the strictest ecological restoration means.The Ejin Horo Banner is located in the interlocking area of pasturing and farming,where desertification is serious.For combating desertification,the prohibiting graze policy has being carried out there for several years.Based on the theories of grassland ecology and farming ecology,the study utilizes the original data before and after implementing the prohibiting graze policy which are obtained by visiting farmers' households, and field invegations as well as the statistical data on domestic economy to reveal the profit and loss of the enforcement of the prohibiting graze policy by means of comparative analysis and statistical analysis.The analytical result indicates that the complete prohibiting graze policy has great effect on the restoration of woodland and grassland that are most extensively distributed vegetation in the area.However,the prohibiting graze policy is also greatly contradicted with stockbreeding,which is the main source of family income for the local farmers' households.Hereby ,we suggest that the government should transform the complete prohibiting graze policy to the stretchy forbidden graze policy,and also,the farmers should change stockbreeding manner and select livestock breeds which are suitable to the land resources and favorable to environmental protection.Whereas an annual prohibiting graze policy is the means of environment restoration which has not only profitted regional ecological system but however,also caused the loss in farmer household income,therefore,it is only a transitional policy in the special periods.For the long -term positive succession of the vegetation,the seasonal prohibiting graze,especially the prohibiting graze during the period of germination of grazing in spring,should be continued to enforce for a longer period of time.
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期316-323,共8页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目(39990490-2) 教育部科学技术重点研究项目(00257)
关键词 禁牧政策 政策效应 农牧户经济 政策调适 prohibiting graze policy effects farmer household economy policy adjusting
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