随着我国加入世界贸易组织和政府职能的进一步转变,行业协会日益受到政府、行业、企业和社会各界的广泛重视和关注,并在建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制的进程中逐步发挥出了应有的功能和作用。中国纺织工业协会,既是中国中央政府职能进一步转变的产物,也是历史发展的必然。当2001年2月23日,由29名理事组成的全新的中国纺织工业协会成立之时,她便和中国的纺织工业一起,携手走进了一个崭新的、必将在历史上留下印记的时期。 “这次改革,是中国工业化进程中最彻底,最深刻的一次变革。标志着政府管行业,计划配置资源发展工业的时代宣告结束。是市场配置资源,振兴民族工业新时代的开始。中国传统产业要在新体制下更快地吸收新型科学技术,促进产业升级,以更强的竞争力参与国际竞争。经济体制改革的深化对行业协会在新形势下找准自己的位置,履行和发挥中介作用提出了新的课题。”这段话是中国纺织工业协会会长杜钰洲在整整两年前说的,那时国家纺织工业局在国务院机构的重大改革中完成了历史使命被取消,全新的中国纺织工业协会构建成立。现在两年过去了,协会的路究竟走的如何,时间给了我们最好的回答。
With China's entry into WTO and the further conversion of the governmental functions, the government, industrial and social commuuities attach more attention to various kinds of industrial councils, which play their due functions step by step in the process of the establisllment and perfection of the socialism market cconomy. China National Textile Industrial Council is the result of the further conversion of the govcrnmental functions as well as the inevitablc choice of history. As far as its first establisllment on Feb. 23rd 2001 by 29 member sub-councils who consist its board of directors, CNTIC entered into a brand-new time hand in hand with Chinese textile industry, which will definitely mark the history.
' The reform is one of the most thorough and profound reforms in the process of China's industrialization. which symbolizes the end of time period when the govemment regulated industries and the central planning of resources allocation was conducted. It also indicates the beginning of a new time when the resource-allocation driven by the market economy will be adopted to greatly develop national industries. Under the new system, China's traditional industries must absorb new scientific technologies more quickly and promote the industrial upgrading so as to participate into the international competition with stronger competitivc edges. The deepening of the reform raises new challenges for industrial councils, who must ferret out thcir right positions in the new circumstances and play the role of medium.' said Mr.Du Yuzhou, chairman of CNTIC, two years ago when the CNTIC was established and the China Textile Bureau (the former body of CNTIC) was taken place after finishing its historic mission in the process of significant organizational reforms conducted by the State Council. Since then,two years have gone, how about the CNTINC? Time may give us a good auswer.
China Textile