通过对陆游《剑南诗稿》中“病中作”纪病诗的考辨 ,结合有关史料 ,可以清楚地了解南宋时期南昌地区的地理气候特点以及由此而致的风湿病、肠胃病、肺系病等常见多发病的流行情况 ,并反映了当时南昌尚鬼信巫的医疗习俗及医疗水平不高的状况。同时 ,还揭示了陆游对待疾病的达观态度和清静、寡欲、豁达的养生智慧。
By combining textual research on Bing Zhong Zuo (Poet Composed When Falling Ill) in Lu You's Jiannan shigao (Jiannan's Poetry Anthology), with other related historical materials, the geographical and climatic features of Nanchang area in the Southern Song Dynasty and epidemo1ogical characteristics of common diseases such as rheumatism, gastro-enteropathy and pulmonary diseases et al. thus happened can be clearly understood.It reflects the customs of the belief on witchery in medical treatment and the low medical level in Nanchang at that time. Meanwhile, it also reflects Lu You's optimistic attitude on his illness and his quiet, simple and open-minded idea of keeping fit.
Chinese Journal of Medical History