目的 观察冠状窦肌袖及其与左心房之间的肌性连接。方法 解剖 7个国人心脏标本 ,沿冠状窦长轴纵切 ,通过连续的大组织切片观察冠状窦肌袖及其与左心房之间的肌性连接。结果所有标本均可见形态与左房肌相同的肌袖 ,长度 2 1~ 35mm ,厚度 0 2~ 1 7mm。均见肌袖与左房肌之间的肌性连接。肌连接在大小部位上差异很大。有的仅有 1~ 2个大肌束 ;有的肌连接多而宽 ,和左房肌互相融合。同时观察到在冠状窦和左房肌之间的脂肪中可见许多小肌束。结论 围绕冠状窦有丰富的肌袖 ,其与左房间通过数目不等的肌纤维进行连接。冠状窦肌袖及其与左房间的肌连接构成了左右心房间传导通路的基质。
Objective To investigate the anatomic and histological features of coronary sinus muscular sleeve and its connection with the left atrium in Chinese. Methods Seven dissected hearts were studied by performing serial longitudinal sections paralleled to the long axis of the coronary sinus and were observed using a large microtome. Results The muscular sleeve same as the left atrium morphologically existed in all specimen. Length was 21-35 mm, and thickness was 0.2-1.7 mm. The muscular connection between the coronary sinus and the left atrium also existed in all specimen. The connection varied significantly in size and location. In some specimen, the connections were composed of multiple muscular bundles and were tight and indistinguishable with each other, while in others, the connections were composed of only 1-2 large muscular bundles. Many small muscle bundles were observed in the adipose tissue between the coronary sinus and the left atrium. Conclusion Abundant muscular sleeves existed surrounding the coronary sinus, and the connections between the left atrium and the coronary sinus were varying largely in number and form. These muscular sleeves and connections constitute a conduction route between the inferiors of the right and left atria.
Chinese Journal of Cardiology
江苏省"13 5工程"重点项目 (苏卫科教 2 0 0 1-3 1号文 )