本文首先概述了长江洪水一般规律以及今年兩情、水情、灾情,说明今年长江流域总的雨情、水情都没有超过1954年,灾害性质属较大范围的严重涝灾和局部地区洪灾,但损失巨大.如果长江上游或中下游几条主要支流发生类似历史上曾经出现过的大洪水,其后果将更为严重. 今年抗洪涝斗争中.建国以来修建的水利工程发挥了巨大作用,减少了灾害损失,但也暴露出我们防洪除涝中存在的弱点和问题. 文章结合长江中下游平原区防洪情况.从“洪水不分省界、县界、从全局出发,通力协作,团结治水才能战胜洪水;”“分蓄洪措施不可避免.认真贯彻《关于蓄滞洪区安全与建设指导纲要》才能减少損失;”“长江防洪潜在危险不可忽视,必须抓紧解决,才能保证国家建设顺利进行;”“增强全社会和全民防洪意识.依法治水,努力减轻洪涝灾害损失.”等四个方面对今年发生的严重洪涝灾害进行了反思.并提出了建议.
Great disasters due to flood and waterlogging struck some regions of Hunan,Hubci,
Anhui and Jiangsu provinces located at the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river
from the beginning of June to early July in 1991.
The regular pattern of flood of Yangtze river,rainfall,waterfall and disasters are briefly
introduced in this paper.Although the rainfall and waterfall this year are less than 1954,the
serious waterlogging in vast regions and flood in some areas caused huge losses.If some large
floods and waterlogging in history happen again at the upper or the middle and lower
branches of Yangtze river,the consequences must be more serious.The irrigation works built
since the establishment of the PRC play very important role against the flood and waterlog-
ging although there are a lot needed to improve.
In order to reduce flood damages,four suggestions are given in this paper:(1) Flood can
be conquered if we regard the basin—wide problems as a whole,ignoring the boundaries of va-
rious administrative districts,make concerted efforts and unite to harness the rivers;(2) To
emply tlood diversion and storage areas is inevitable,'The guideline on safety and construc-
tion of tlood storage and detention areas'must be implemented conscientiously;(3) The po-
tential risk of flood in the Yangtze River should not be neglected.This is a pressing problem,
closely relating to national economic development;(4) We should minimize flood and
waterlogging damages by means of increasing flood control consciousness of all people and
the whole society and by means of harnessing rivers through logislation.
Journal of Natural Disasters
The middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River
Flood and waterlogging disasters