HL-2A will be equipped with a 75 GHz/1 MW/1s electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system. The paper describes the design of the transmission system, which is made up of a transmission line, an equatorial launcher and a measureing system. The paper describes in detail the design of main components of the system such as, waveguides, ellipsoidal surface mirrors, chemical vapor (CVD) diamond window, steering mirror, and new directional coupler with a k-spectrometer. The newly-designed launcher can make the beam steer poloidally to deposit energy in different locations.
HL-2A will be equipped with a 75 GHz/1 MW/1s electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system. The paper describes the design of the transmission system, which is made up of a transmission line, an equatorial launcher and a measureing system. The paper describes in detail the design of main components of the system such as, waveguides, ellipsoidal surface mirrors, chemical vapor (CVD) diamond window, steering mirror, and new directional coupler with a k-spectrometer. The newly-designed launcher can make the beam steer poloidally to deposit energy in different locations.
The project supported by the Tenth- Five-Year Nuclear Enengy Development of the Conmission of Science Technology
Industry of National Defense
of the China National Nuclear Corportion