开发和建设西南能源基地在我国能源工业发展和布局中占有重要的地位。西南地区的煤炭集中分布在川、滇、黔接壤地区,保有储量占全国的 8.9%,位居第二。而水能蕴藏量2.9亿多kW,占全国的42%,可开发利用量1.9亿多kW,占全国的51%,年发电量1.03万亿度,占全国的54%,加上西藏,水能蕴藏年发电量约占全国的70%。煤炭工业在全国已有较大发展,已初步建成以山西为中心的煤炭基地,六盘水煤炭基地,两淮煤炭基地等等。石油天然气工业发展较快,核电工业正在起步和发展。但是水能资源的开发利用和蕴藏量相比,还很不相称。全国水能资源利用率只有4—5%,西南地区按发电量计算,仅占水电可开发总量的1.3%。因此,在当前我国能源供应十分紧张的情况下,开发西南能源基地的水能资源和煤炭资源,有着十分重大的战略意义。
It plays a very important role in the development and distribution of Chinese energy industry to exploit and establish the south-western energy base. In southwestern China, the coal resource distributes concentrically in the areas where Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces join and its reserve is about 8.9% of the national total; the hydropower deposit occupies 42% of the national total (if including Tibet, it will reach 70%) and its workable reserve is 51% of the national total. At present the annual electric energy generated here occupies 54% of the national total.The coal industry in China has made a great progress. Up to now, several coal bases have been founded. They include the Shaanxi, Lupanshui and Lianghuai bases and so on. The oilgas industry is developing rapidly and the nuclear electric industry has made a start. But the utilization of the hydropower resource is still backward. The utilization rate of the hydropower resource is 4-5% in China and it is only 1.3% in the southwestern region. Thus it has very important strategic significance to develop the hydropower and coal resources in this region to cure the short supply of energy in China.
Journal of Natural Resources
Southwestern region
energy base
coal reserve
hydropower deposit.