本文报道胆道内瘘20例的诊治体会,指出胆内瘘无特有的临床征象,诊断困难,但PTC 和ERCP 有诊断价值,7例术前经此两项检查确诊。全部病例均行手术治疗,去除病因,处理瘘口,恢复胆道通畅。本组注意到手术难度较大,术时细心操作,无1例重要组织损伤。
This paper reports experience indiagnosis and treatment of 20 casesof biliary internal fistula.Thepatients have not clinical specialsymptoms and signs.So there isdifficulty in diagnosis of biliary in-ternal fistula.PTC and ERCP are twospecial examination items of diagnos-tic significance of the disease.Beforeoperation 7 cases were diagnosedPTC and ERCP as biliary internalfistula.20 patients had been operatedon.The treatments including thecause cure,treatment of fistulaexitus,and restitution of unobstructedbiliary are effective for biliary inter-nal fistula.Any one among 20 pati-ents did not occur surgical damageof important tissue and organ.