本文报告10例混合性中风,临床呈典型中风发作,CT 显示脑部并存血肿和梗塞灶,而呈现混合性中风。倘若临床有两个部位病变体征时应考虑到混合性中风的可能。脑CT 检查为确诊的关键。高血压动脉硬化为主要发病基础,治疗上宜合理调控血压,中性治疗。
Me report 10 cases of complexstroke.The clinical manifestation ofwhich consisted of classic stroke.Cranial CT showed both of hemorrh-age and infarction in brain,we sho-uld think it possibility is complexstroke if clinical manifestation revea-ledsigns of multi-focus.The key todiagnosis is cranial-CT examination.Etiology of complex stroke are thou-ght hypertention and atherosclerosis,neutral treatment is efficacious.