
金属烤瓷修复的临床疗效观察及并发症分析 被引量:14

An Analysis of Clinical Effects and Failures of the PFM Restorations
摘要 目的 观察金属烤瓷修复的疗效及产生并发症的原因和处理办法。方法 将 82 1例共 170 5件金属烤瓷修复体分组 ,对其产生的并发症进行对比分析 ,主要并发症为 :崩瓷或裂瓷 ;烤瓷冠脱落 ;烤瓷桩冠松动 ;烤瓷桥体松动或断裂 ;牙髓炎和尖周炎 ;牙龈炎 ;龈缘变色 ;颈缘间隙 ;食物嵌塞 ;咀嚼效率低等。结果 第 1组并发症发生率为 7 86 % (4 0件 ) ,第 2组并发症发生率为 0 75 % (9件 )。结论 严格选择适应证 ,合理设计 ,提高备牙技术 ,积极保护牙髓 ,对死髓牙采取抗力措施 ,对有制作失误或临床操作过程新造成损坏时 ,应及时返工处理以减少并发症的发生。 Objective To observe clinical results of the PFM restorations and study causes of failure and find some solutions. Methods 1,705 units of 821 cases were divided into two groups and were analyzed.Common failures were porcelain fracture and cracks,retention loss of the PFM post crown, pontic fracture, pulpitis and apical periodontitis,gingivitis,gingival border color change, food impaction,space in the cervical margin, and low masticatory effect. Results 7.86% of the complications were found in the first group(40/1,705), while 0.75% were found in the second group(9/1,705). Conclusion It was important to design reasonably for improving tooth preparation techniques to protect dental pulp and provide adequate retention of pulpless tooth. The failure unit was avoided in time for decreasing complications when inadequacies or problems were present.
作者 陈明昌
出处 《口腔医学》 CAS 2004年第2期87-89,共3页 Stomatology
关键词 金属烤瓷修复体 并发症 PFM restoration Complication
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