

Progress in Dynamic Studies of Nuclear Proteins
摘要 漂白后荧光恢复和漂白荧光丢失技术是蛋白质动态变化研究中常用的两项技术 .近年来 ,利用这两项技术对细胞核内蛋白质动态变化的研究表明 :一些蛋白质在细胞核内是运动的 ,能和各自所在的区域快速结合和解离 ;并且这种运动主要以被动扩散的方式进行 ,不消耗代谢的能量 ;另外蛋白质的共价修饰可对某些蛋白质的运动产生影响 .细胞核内蛋白质的动态变化对细胞核的结构组成和基因表达的调控都具有重要的意义 ,但详细的机制还有待于进一步的研究 . FRAP and FLIP are two techniques that are usually applied to study the dynamics of protein in living cells. In recent years, studies of protein dynamics by these two techniques showed: some proteins are mobile, and they rapidly associate and dissociate with their respective compartments in the nucleus of living cells. Furthermore, protein movement is mainly independent of energy, which indicates that proteins may use a passive mechanism of movement. Additionally, covalent modifications have effect on the mobility of some proteins. Protein dynamics in the karyon is important to the nuclear architecture and gene regulation, however, the detail mechanism is still unknown and expected to further study.
出处 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期304-308,共5页 Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics
关键词 细胞核 蛋白质 动态变化 共价修饰 基因调控 protein dynamics FRAP/FLIP nuclear compartment covalent modification gene regulation
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