
非饱和土壤轻油污染多相流研究进展 被引量:5

Review of study on multiphase flow related to soil pollution by LNAPLs in unsaturated zone
摘要 轻油泄漏到地下后 ,在非饱和土壤中水、气、油三相相互作用、相互影响 ,共同构成多相流体系统。在简要分析轻油污染问题的产生、危害以及轻油泄漏在地表以下运移方式的基础上 ,介绍并总结了近些年来国内外土壤轻油污染有关的多相流研究方面的进展 ,包括国外的模型研究成果、国内外试验研究方法和研究成果 。 Light non aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) coexists with water and air approximately as a separate and immiscible phase after light petroleum products spill or leakage in subsurface, and contaminates both soil and groundwa ter. Simultaneous movement and interaction of LNAPL, water and air in unsaturated zone make up a multiphase flow system. In this paper, the occurrence and hazard of LNAPL contamination problems as well as LNAPL flow and migration in subsurface are presented in brief. Then advances and achievements on multiphase flow study related to LNAPL seepage both in China and abroad are introduced and reviewed, including simulation achievements, laboratory experimental study methods and results. At the same time, some problems existing in current study and issues needed to be further approached are presented.
出处 《环境污染治理技术与设备》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期13-17,共5页 Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (4 0 2 72 10 7)
关键词 非饱和土壤 轻油 环境污染 环境保护 多相流体系统 污染物 light non aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) unsaturation multiphase flow soil contamination
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