中国入世后 ,更多的外国律师来华执业对我国律师业产生很大影响。这种影响既为我国律师行业的发展带来了机遇 ,也使我国律师行业面临着严峻挑战和竞争。我们必须认清时势并应采取一定的对策 ,趋利避弊 ,以促进我国律师行业尽快发展 。
Since China has acceded to the WTO, more and more foreign lawyers come to China so as to produce very great influence on the lawyer's industry of our country. This situation not only brings the opportunity for the development of the lawyer's profession of our country, but also makes the lawyers of our country face the rigorous challenge and competition. We must recognize the current trend of events and should adopt the certain countermeasures, such as learning from the strong points of lawyers of other country in order to promote the development of legal profession of our country and advance the competition ability of the international legal serve as soon as possible.