本文旨在区分翻译和翻译理论的概念 ,指出翻译是指一种实践活动 ,而翻译理论则是一门学科 ,二者有所不同 ,翻译是一门艺术而翻译理论则是一门科学。另外 ,本文还指出技巧是翻译的基础 ,是翻译活动中不可缺少的成分 ;科技翻译尽管其内容是科学技术 ,然其翻译过程乃是译者技术与艺术运用的结果。通过对翻译性质的界定 。
What is the nature of translation? Is it science or art? This question has been discussed for a long time. This paper focuses on the difference between translation and translation theory. At the same time, it describes the definition of science, art and technology. It points out that translation itself is an art instead of a science while translation theory is a science. Many people always mix up the two concepts. At last, a conclusion is drawn: translation is an art although it contains some technological elements.