

Practice of Comprehensive Utilization of Resources in Laigang
摘要 根据莱钢资源综合利用的现状和存在的不足,提出依靠科技进步,优化能源结构,合理利用二次能源。开发出利用转炉污泥生产炼钢化渣剂,粉煤灰替代硅铝质原料生产水泥熟料,矿渣微粉新型建材产品,烧结带冷机烟气余热利用,高炉煤气的回收利用,焦炉废气代替硫酸生产粗酚等技术。并提出了2005年吨钢可比能耗达到650kg、固体废物综合利用率达到95%、污染物排放总量削减20%等生态型企业目标规划以及氧化铁皮返竖炉配料、余热采暖等重点研究开发项目。 Based on the present situation and existed defects in the comprehensive utilization of resources in Laiwu iron and steel Co. Ltd., the optimizing energy structure and reasonable utilizing secondary energy are put forward depending on scientific and technological progress. Some new technologies, such as using converter sewage sludge to process steelmaking slagging agent, replacing siliceous and aluminous material with pulverized coal ash to process clinker, using micro slag to produce new building materials, utilizing the remaining heat of flue gas of sintering area cooling machine, recovering and exploiting blast furnace gas, replacing sulfuric acid with coke oven waste gas to produce crude benzol and so on, are researched and developed. By actively implementing state preferential policies on comprehensive resources utilization, the ratio of comprehensive waste resources utilization in Laigang is increased year by year and the level of comprehensive resources utilization is raised dramatically. The aim of comparable energy resources consumption to come up to 650kg/t.steel, the comprehensive utilization factor of solid wastes to come up to 95% and all draining off quantity of pollutant to reduce by 20% in 2005 and emphases developing projects such as charging scale back to shaft furnace and heating by used heat etc are put forward.
出处 《山东冶金》 CAS 2004年第2期20-22,共3页 Shandong Metallurgy
关键词 生态型企业 可持续发展 资源综合利用 钢铁工业 能源结构 转炉污泥 粉煤灰 矿渣微粉 multipurpose use of waste resource ecotypic enterprice sustainable development
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