采用VisualC ++编程语言 ,在现有CAD系统的基础上 ,以ObjectARX为开发工具 ,建立了产品装配分析系统基本结构 ,可直观演示人机交互拆、装过程 ,分析装配几何体设计中的缺陷 ,提取相关装配特征信息 ,进行装配顺序分析和工艺规划。在OpenInventor虚拟现实软件开发包的基础上 ,开发了虚拟装配环境 ,构建了虚拟装配系统的结构框架 ,实现了从CAD环境到虚拟装配环境产品几何模型数据的传递 。
By adopting Visual C++ programming language, taking Object ARX as the tool of development, the basic structure of analytical system for product assembly was established on the bases of CAD system now existed. This structure could demonstrate visually the process of man-computer interacted disassembling and assembling, analyze the defects in the design of assembled geometric bodies, pick up the relevant information of assembly features, carry out analysis of assembly sequence and technological planning. On the bases of development package Open Inventor virtual reality software, the virtual assembly environment was developed. The structural frame of virtual assembly system was constructed, the transmission of productive data of geometric model from CAD environment to virtual assembly environment was realized and the disassembling process of product under virtual environment was demonstrated.
Journal of Machine Design
河北省教育厅基金资助项目 (Z2 0 0 1 2 2 0 )
河北省教育厅博士基金资助项目 (B2 0 0 1 1 2 6)