〔目的〕研究分析在连续消毒中大肠杆菌O1 57∶H7对碘伏抵抗力变化及其与质粒pO1 57关系。〔方法〕用碘伏连续消毒 6株大肠杆菌O1 57∶H710代 ,对比消毒前后试验菌对该消毒剂的抵抗力、质粒图谱以及质粒酶切图谱 ,用SDS -高温法消除原始菌与连续消毒后试验菌的质粒。〔结果〕连续消毒 10代后 ,试验菌对碘伏的抵抗力增加 ;试验菌的质粒图谱以及质粒pO1 57的CalⅠ酶切图谱均无明显变化 ;消除原始菌的小质粒后 ,细菌对消毒剂的抵抗力不变 ,消除原始菌的大质粒和连续消毒后试验菌的质粒后 ,试验菌对碘伏的抵抗力增加。〔结论〕结果提示 ,连续消毒会使试验菌对碘伏的抵抗力增加 ,抵抗力增加的原因可能与质粒pO1 57无直接关系。
Objective To study the changes of E coli O 157 ∶H 7 resistance to iodophor in continuous disinfection and relationship between resistance and the bacterial plasmid pO 157 .〔Methods〕 Iodophor was used to continuously disinfect 10 generations of 6 strains of E coli O 157 ∶H 7.The resistance was compared before and after the disinfection.Meanwhile,the changes in the structure of pO 157 ,the bacterium's plasmid,were analyzed after continuous disinfection of 10 generations.〔Results〕 After the continuous disinfection for 10 generations,the bacterium's resistance to iodophor was enhanced.There was no change in plasmid map and the maps of Cal I cutting plasmid O 157 .The bacterium's resistance to iodophor had no change after elimination of small plasmid.However,the resistance was enhanced after elimination of pO 157 .〔Conclusions〕 The bacterium's resistance to iodophor is enhanced after continuous disinfection for 10 generations.However,the enhancement might not be related to plasmid pO157 .
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology