本文探讨了当代我国社会体育发展的社会背景、基本特征和发展方向。我国经济体制的改革与发展 ,决定了我国当代社会体育发展的性质与方向。现阶段我国社会体育的发展特征主要有 :公益性和产业性的二元性质 ;改革的渐进性 ;管理的缺位及主体和功能的多元化等。未来我国社会体育的发展方向和趋势是进一步向产业化和社会化推进。
The development background, features and trend of present masses sport in China were studied in this paper. The results indicate that the nature and development direction of present China's sport is based on the present China's economical reform and development with following features: first, its nature is both public utilities and industrial; second, the process of the its reform is step by step; third, its management system is not perfect and last, its subject and functions are diversified. Industrialization and socialization will be the main development trend of China's masses sport in the future.
Sports & Science