To establish a rat model for hepatic oval cells proliferation and to analyze the characterization of oval cell, SD rats (about 150 g) were given 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF)6 days before partial hepatectomy and 7 days after it. Liver tissue specimens were obtained every 2~3 days after partial hepatectomy and were investigated by HE staining and immunohistochemical staining for Brdu,OV6, cytokeratin-19, albumin, AFP, connexin-43 and C-kit. Oval cells were enriched by magnetic activated cell sorting(MACS) using C-kit antibody. RT-PCR was performed on sorted cells for the albumin,AFP and CK19 messenger RNA expression. Results: Obvious oval cell proliferation was seen in the liver in 10 mg/kg,15 mg/kg,20 mg/kg groups and oval cell Brdu incorporation test is positive. Oval cells expressed the specific marker OV6, hepatic cell marker albumin, biliary cell marker CK19 ,fetal liver cell marker AFP and connexin-43 as well as hematopoietic stem cell receptor C-kit. More than 90% sorted oval cells were OV6 positive and all expressed the albumin, AFP and CK19 gene. Conclusions: Rat model for hepatic oval cell proliferation can be established with 2-AAF/partial hepatectomy at dosage of 10~20 mg/kg body weight. And such oval cells were hepatic stem/progenitor cells which expressed OV6/CK19/albumin/AFP/connexin43/C-kit. Oval cell population can be highly enriched with MACS using C-kit.
Shanghai Laboratory Animal Science