
几种红树林植物在深圳湾的引种驯化试验 被引量:20

Introduction and Domestication of Several Superior Mangroves in Shenzhen Bay
摘要 Several arboreal mangrove species were introduced from, Hainan Island, Zhanjiang of Guangdong Province, Australia and etc. to Shenzhen Bay. With good adaptability and coldresistance during seedling stage, \%Sonneratia apetala \% could develop and blossom well in Shenzhen Bay. \%S.caseolaris\% had comparatively weak coldresistance, but in warm habitat it could pass the winter smoothly. At the age of seven, \%S.caseolaris\% blossomed and the mean tree height and basal diameter reached 9\^9?m and 22 cm respectively. The cold resistance was enhanced significantly with years. \%Bruguiera sexangula\% grew and developed well because of a cold resistance with of an increasingly strong to medium at the seedling stage. The mean height of 7yearold trees was 2 8 m. Its propagules(plumular axis) would exist for about 36 days at about 5℃, but injured for too long time. \%B.stylosa\% could pass the winter smoothly in specific warm habitat, the cold resistance increased with age increasing, and the trees could blossom. \%Avicennia marina\% var. \%australasica\% had a relatively strong cold resistance during seedling stage. But seedlings tended at the forward mudflat would die for duck gnawing. Some seedlings planted in the higher area of mudflat could grow very well and blossom partly. Neither \%R.apiculata\% nor \%Nypa fruticans\% acclimated in Shenzhen Bay (which with high latitude and low temperature). \%B.parviflora\% introduced from Australia was required to observe further. Several arboreal mangrove species were introduced from, Hainan Island, Zhanjiang of Guangdong Province, Australia and etc. to Shenzhen Bay. With good adaptability and cold_resistance during seedling stage, \%Sonneratia apetala \% could develop and blossom well in Shenzhen Bay. \%S.caseolaris\% had comparatively weak cold_resistance, but in warm habitat it could pass the winter smoothly. At the age of seven, \%S.caseolaris\% blossomed and the mean tree height and basal diameter reached 9\^9?m and 22 cm respectively. The cold resistance was enhanced significantly with years. \%Bruguiera sexangula\% grew and developed well because of a cold resistance with of an increasingly strong to medium at the seedling stage. The mean height of 7_year_old trees was 2 8 m. Its propagules(plumular axis) would exist for about 3_6 days at about 5℃, but injured for too long time. \%B.stylosa\% could pass the winter smoothly in specific warm habitat, the cold resistance increased with age increasing, and the trees could blossom. \%Avicennia marina\% var. \%australasica\% had a relatively strong cold resistance during seedling stage. But seedlings tended at the forward mudflat would die for duck gnawing. Some seedlings planted in the higher area of mudflat could grow very well and blossom partly. Neither \%R.apiculata\% nor \%Nypa fruticans\% acclimated in Shenzhen Bay (which with high latitude and low temperature). \%B.parviflora\% introduced from Australia was required to observe further.
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期178-182,共5页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 "九五"国家科技攻关项目 ( 96-0 0 7-0 3 -0 4) 深圳市科技局项目 ( 99-1-3 3 ) 国家林业局"948"项目的部分研究内容
关键词 红树林植物 深圳湾 引种 驯化试验 海桑 海莲 红海榄 抗寒性 生长发育 适应性 Mangroves, Introduction, Cold resistance, Growth
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