用随机、对照的方法观察苯扎贝特联合降压治疗对高甘油三酯血症合并高血压患者胰岛素抵抗和血压的影响。择选 5 8例高甘油三酯血症伴原发性高血压患者 ,随机分为苯扎贝特组和对照组 ,通过血压、血脂、空腹血糖、胰岛素浓度及胰岛素敏感性指数等的变化 ,来观察苯扎贝特对高甘油三酯血症合并高血压患者胰岛素抵抗和血压的影响。结果显示苯扎贝特组在治疗后舒张压降低较对照组显著 ;血甘油三酯、总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平明显降低 ,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇显著升高 ,空腹血糖及胰岛素浓度在治疗后明显降低 ,胰岛素敏感性指数明显升高。说明苯扎贝特可能通过改善血脂代谢紊乱 ,对患者的胰岛素抵抗有良性影响 ,并且可能在降压药物的基础上 ,对患者舒张压有额外降低作用。
Aim To investigate changes of insulin resistance after lipid-lowering treatment by bezafibrate in hypertensive patients with hypertriglyceridemia using calcium channel blockers (nifedipine). Methods Fifty-eight hypertensive hypertriglyceridemic patients were enrolled in study. In random order, patients of group A (30 patients) were treated with bezafibrate, nifedipine and dietary control, and those of group B (28 patients) received placebo, nifedipine and dietary control during 8 weeks. The changes of blood pressure (BP), serum lipid, the levels of plasma glucose and insulin had been examined and compared between two groups. Results The bezafibrate-treated group had a greater reduction in diastolic BP, levels of plasma glucose and insulin, and had a increase in insulin sensitive index. Conclusion Bezafibrate maybe improve the patients' insulin resistance by adjusting dyslipidemia,and maybe extra lower the patients' diastolic BP.
Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis