在设施农业的发展中 ,大型现代化温室作为一种技术集成度高、可控性强、投资巨大的典型现代农业设施在我国得到了长足发展 ,成为近年来我国保护地栽培设施中发展速度最快、社会关注度最高的农业设施之一。然而 ,伴随这种高速的发展 ,与其相关的市场问题、管理问题、技术问题、质量问题、制度问题等也开始出现 ,并开始影响到整个温室制造业及其相关产业的健康发展 ,本文在分析现状、问题和成因的基础上 ,从市场培育、行业规范、技术发展、种植者素质提高等方面对目前行业面临的任务进行了分析和阐述。
In the development of facility agriculture, considerable progress has been made in the modern greenhouse, one kind of highly controlled, high-tech and high-investment agricultural facility. In recent years it has become one of the quickest-developing and most society-concerned agricultural facilities in China. With the development its problems relating to market, management, technology, quality, policy etc. has arisen, which influences the greenhouse-manufacturing and related industries. Based on the present conditions, problems and contributing factors, current tasks faced by greenhouse-relating trades are set forth in such aspects as fostering market, standardizing related trades, developing technology and improving users' qualification.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai