抗日战争前后 ,华北的作物种植发生了相反的变化趋势。战前 ,以棉花为代表的经济作物种植比率呈上升趋势 ,粮食作物呈下降趋势 ;抗战爆发后 ,棉花比率却下降 ,粮食作物比率则上升。个中原因 ,主要在于日本侵略者的疯狂掠夺与破坏 :土地、劳动力等农业生产要素被大肆掠夺与破坏 ,导致农业投入不足 ;粮食被大肆抢掠 ,而同时购销渠道又遭到破坏 ;受战争影响 ,在收益对比上 ,也发生了有利于粮食作物的变化。面对此种情况 ,广大农民只能增加粮食作物种植而减少棉花的种植。
Before and after Anti—Japanese War,North China crops' planting took place the opposite variation tendency. Prewar, represented by the cotton, industrial crops planting rate is on the rise, while the cereal crops shows a tendency to drop; After the war breaking out, the rate of cotton drops, while the rate of cereal crops rises. The whys and wherefores, the main reason lies in the crazy predation and destruction of the Japanese invaders. Agricultural production factors ,such as land、workforce etc are robbed and destroyed without restraint, leading to the insufficiency of the agricultural input. Grain was plundered without restraint and purchase and sell channel was destroyed at the same time. Influenced by war, the gains between cotton and cereal crops is favorable to the cereal crops compared to the prewar. In the face of this kind of situation, the peasants can only increase the cereal crops' planting, and reduce the planting of the cotton.
Agricultural History of China