
辽宁近岸海域水质演化及对近海陆域生态水文格局的响应 被引量:10

Evolution of the Seawater Quality and the Response to the Ecological Patterns of the Land near the Coast in Liaoning Province
摘要 根据 1991—2000年对辽宁省近岸海域水质的连续监测资料,采用秩相关系数法对辽宁近岸海域水质做了定量评估,结果表明,辽宁省近岸海域海水水质较差,主要污染物为无机氮、活性磷酸盐、石油类和Pb,2000 年全省近海海域各类功能区水质总达标率仅为 48.1 %。秩相关系数趋势预测表明:除 COD有下降趋势外,其他主要污染物均有逐年上升趋势,且无机氮的上升趋势最为显著。辽宁省在沿海改革开放的初期,沿海海域的水环境做出了相当大的牺牲;20 世纪 年代的中后期水质有了明显的改善,陆域 90非点源污染对近岸海域水质污染的贡献较大;各主要污染物在各海域的变化不同。生物学指标整体上显示,大连海域和营口海域水质在枯水期要好于丰水期,表现出明显的季节变化。无机氮与石油类和 COD呈现出正相关关系,COD 与石油类、活性磷酸盐和 Pb 呈现出弱正相关关系,水质 PCA结果进一步表明辽宁近海海域水质污染除工业污染外,近海陆域非点源污染对水质污染的贡献最大。生态水文参数的主成分分析 (PCA)及与主要污染物的回归分析结果表明,近海海域水质演化受到近海陆域生态水文过程的影响较大,无机氮受到近海陆地水开发影响最大;活性磷酸盐、石油类? Based on the continuously monitoring data of the seawater quality near the coast in Liaoning province from 1991 to 2000, the quality evaluation on water quality of the seawater near the coast in Liaoning Province has been derived by the method of the order correlation. The results indicate that the seawater quality is seriously polluted, the main pollutants are the inorganic nitrogen, COD, available phosphate, oils and lead, and the general ratio of the water quality complying to the standard 48.1 %, is derived. The forecast trend of the order correlation shows that the main pollutants except COD have the upgrade trend and the trend of the inorganic nitrogen is the most notable. The sweater environment near the coast was seriously destroyed at the beginning of the reform and the opening of Liaoning Province and improved in the middle and late1990s with the non-point pollutants becoming the core contributor. The pollutants in different sea regions are different. The seawater quality of Dalian and Yingkou sea region in the rainy period is better than that in the dry period and changing seasonally with respect to the biological indexes. The inorganic nitrogen and oils have the positive correlation to COD, and COD has the least positive correlation to the oils, available phosphate and lead. The result of PCA on the ecological indexes and the regression analysis with the main pollutants shows that the evolution of the seawater quality is subjected to the ecological patterns. The ecological processes must be improved and the model of regulation must be the integrative control of the sea and land.
出处 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期54-60,共7页 Marine Science Bulletin
基金 国家"十五"科技攻关计划重大项目"水安全保障技术研究"(2001BA610A-02)
关键词 辽宁近海 水质演化 生态水文格局 the sea near the coast of Liaoning Province the evolution of water quality ecohydrological patterns
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