从河北的三河、滦南、乐亭、卢龙及昌黎等地 2 9个养鸡场 (户 )分离鉴定了 82株病原大肠杆菌 ,用 54种常见动物病原大肠杆菌单价 O抗血清进行了血清型鉴定。结果 82株分离菌有65株被鉴定出了相应 O血清群 (占鉴定菌株的79.2 6%) ,分属 6种不同血清型 ,其中以 O78和O45两种为优势血清型 (占定型菌株的64.61 %) ,其余 4种 O血清群占定型菌株的 3 5.3 9%,尚有 1 7株未能定型 (占鉴定菌株的 2 0 .74%)
strains of pathogenic E.coli were identified in 29 chicken farms from Sanhe, Luannan, Leting, Funing,Lulong, Changli and etc.Through serologicd identification,with the,among 82 pathogenic E coli,65 strains were identified(79.26 percent) with the, 6 O serogroups were discovered. In these isolated strains,the predominant types were O78 and O 45 which accounted for 64.61 percent of the total serogroups. There were 4 kinds of O serogroups which accounted for 35.39 percent of the total serogroups.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine