
英语学习者话语标记语语用石化现象初探——基于真实口语语料的调查分析 被引量:54

On Pragmatic Fossilization in English Learners' Acquisition of Discourse Markers—An Investigation Based on Natural Spoken English Data
摘要 对抽样调查中的中国高级和中级英语学习者以及英语为母语者真实口语语料的对比分析表明:英语学习者在话语标记语的习得上无法达到英语为母语者的同等水平,存在语用石化现象。本次调查结果说明,语用石化现象也是二语教学中不可忽视的问题。 Based on natural spoken English data, the present study makes a comparison on the application of English discourse markers between Chinese English learners and native speakers. It leads to the conclusion that, compared with native speakers, Chinese English learners are in a state of pragmatic fossilization in the learning process of discourse markers. The study demonstrates that pragmatic fossilization poses a problem to tackle in second language learning and teaching.
作者 李巧兰
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 北大核心 2004年第3期53-57,71,共6页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
关键词 话语标记语 语用石化 英语学习者 discourse markers pragmatic fossilization English learners
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