The contents of total phosphorus,available phosphorus,and potassium in surface layer are significantly higher than those in subsurface layer for tested albiudic cambosols.The difference of contents of other nutrients between surface and subsurface layers did not reach the significant level of 5%,but they tend to have concentred in the surface layer.The result of principal component analysis shown that the first principal component standed for the intensity of organic matter formation,while the second principal component standed for promotion of sweet potato.Of various nutrients,available potassium in surface layer,available potassium, and phosphorus in subsurface layer have much higher positive loading for the second principal component.And the yield of sweet potato has significantly positive correlation with available potassium in the surface layer,and available potassium,and available phosphorus in the subsurface layer.The findings suggested that application of potassium fertilizer to both surface layer and subsurface layer can promote sweet potato yield,while phosphorus fertilizer has to be applied to subsurface layer of soil in order to achieve higher yield.There fore, traditional practice that fertilizers were applied to surface layer must be changed.It also is suggested that the principal component analysis method is useful for rational application of fertilizers for sweet potato.
Chinese Journal of Soil Science