类后现代小说叙事是中国新时期小说发展过程中一道极为独特的景观。它超越了以往小说的艺术传统 ,引发了中国小说叙事的艺术变革。本文运用叙事学的理论 ,从四个主要方面探讨了中国类后现代小说在叙事上的策略 ;同时 ,在具体分析时又兼顾了它与传统小说之间的区别与联系 ,从而力求达到全面、准确。
The narration of similar postmodernism novel is a unique landscape in the evolution of Chinese new-period novel. It oversteps the artistic tradition handed down in Chinese novel through the ages and causes a artistic transformation to the narration of Chinese novel. There is a realistic profound significance to probe into the narrative tactics for the text. Using the narrative theory, author observe the narrative tactics of Chinese similar postmodernism novel from four main aspects. In order to reach a overall and accurate effect, while making a concrete analysis consideration is given to the connection and difference between the similar postmodern novel and traditional ones either.
Journal of Radio & TV University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
Similar postmodernism novel
Narrative tactics