从媒介现实到受众现实是传播学的框架理论研究的重要课题。以国内媒体报道非典型肺炎为个案 ,对疫情发源地———广州三大报《南方日报》、《羊城晚报》、《广州日报》的相关报道进行内容分析 ,探讨其新闻框架 ;同时 ,根据每一时期流言传播情况、社会人心安定情况 ,分析受众接受框架 ,通过二者比较证实预先理论假设 :新闻媒体在反映客观现实时 ,会根据一定标准框选、凸显事件的特殊部分 ;受众在接受媒体报道时 ,也会表现出一定选择 ,从而形成媒介框架与受众框架的趋同、协商或对立。
From media reality to subjective reality because an important question for the mass communication.This thesis takes that the domestic media report on SARS as a case for research theme.At first,we make content analysis to NANFANG DAILY,YANGCHENG EVENING NEWSPAPER and GUANGZHOU DAILY aiming to understand different newspaper' news framing.Then,we make a research to find out what is audience framing according to the spreading of gossip and the social stability.At last,we compare news framing with audience framing to confirm our assume:when news media report a particular event in the objective reality,they will present a particular part of the event invariably when the audience read or listen to the reports of the ne ws media,they will appear a certain inclination according to their former experience,then it will form unanimity,consultation and antagonism between the media framing and the audience framing.
Journal of Radio & TV University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)